Juno is a beautiful lab who came from the Greenville shelter earlier this year. There, they decided she was not healthy enough to rehabilitate and adopt out and therefore she was placed on the euthanasia list. Before she was sent to her sad, sad fate, WILD HEIR LAB RESCUE stepped in and saved the life of this amazing dog. Many of our customers have come to love Juno dearly. With her laid back disposition and eagerness for a belly scratch, who could resist her? Many people come simply to show Juno the love and affection she so deeply craves.
When she was picked up, she was heartworm positive. She went through heartworm treatment (which is very intense and painful). She was also sent to be spayed and when opened up, it was evident that she had already been spayed. While under, she had fatty tumors removed from her stomach. After several weeks of inactivity, Juno is now ready to have the procedures she needs to repair her hind knees.
In both of her back legs, Juno has torn ACLs. The specialist has said that she also has bad cartilage damage. She will need to have two surgeries. The first on her right knee (the worse of the two). The ligament and cartilage will be repaired and she will go through 6 weeks of rehab; both inpatient and outpatient. Once she has recovered, we will do it all over again on the left side.
This is where we need help! Although the wonderful vet we are using has discounted the price of the procedures, it is still VERY expensive. We need to raise $5,500. We had a benefit Wednesday, June 4 at Red's Ice House where we raised $260. We have been collecting money at Lucia's Premium Pet over past few weeks as well. We are also selling raffle tickets for the Grand Opening Celebration of the store. Many gracious friends of Juno have donated cool prizes to the raffle so stop by and get a ticket for a chance to win! Wild Heir Lab Rescue will be at Lucia's Saturday, June 7 for the celebration (Publix Shopping Center, Downtown Daniel Island) . We will have all sorts of fun and goodies for humans and pets so please stop by our party with a cause! We are on our way to raising the money and we will NOT stop until she is all well. If you cannot attend but would still like to give, please send checks to
Lucia's Premium Pet
162 Seven Farms Dr. Ste 115
Charleston, SC 29492
Made out to Wild Heir Lab Rescue (for: Juno)
Thank everyone so much for your generous donations and support. See you Saturday!!!
-Katharine, Juno, and Lucia!
What surgeon are you using? There are three procedures that can be used for a torn ACL; a TTA, a TPLO, and a lateral suture repair. TTA and TPLO are often more expensive, and some surgeons will tell you that there's no difference in long term recovery between the surgeries.
Please make sure the surgeon you are using is board certified and licensed to do the procedure you desire for Juno. Dr. Ludwig and Dr. Biannuci are board certified orthopedic surgeons and perform TTA and lateral suture repairs. My dog had a lateral suture performed and it was $1557, but she's smaller (48 lbs) and less active. Dr. Pernell in North Charleston performs the TPLO procedure, and I believe someone associated with Dr. Biannuci's practice also performs the TPLO procedure. However, these are the only board certified surgeons I know of in the Charleston area licensed to perform these procedures.
Please do your research before committing to a decision for Juno- you may be able to find a more economical solution.
After talking with several vets and specialists, I have decided to use Dr. Pernell and have him perform the TPLO. It is not the least expensive, but he believes it is the best for her situation. He has come highly recommended by several vets and customers who have used him. I believe we can raise the few extra dollars it will take to get her the best care possible. Thanks for your information and concern for Juno :-)
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